Reflection on the 10 virgins Matt 25: 10-13

Are you prepared for destiny? Are you prepared for opportunities? Are you prepared to meet the Lord? (If yes, congratulations! You are among the 10 virgins).

Okay! Let me rephrase

Are you ready to take off NOW to destiny, to opportunity, to meet the Lord? (If NO, You are among the 5 foolish virgins).


I am so sad at this parable, so very sad. But why?

I am sad because the 5 foolish virgins perfectly prepared and are qualified to meet the Bridegroom just like the other 5 wise virgins- excuse me, are they not to be called 5 selfish virgins?

What made the 5 virgins foolish wasn’t because they were sinners. No! Virginity is synonymous to purity- holiness. Attaining this level is an uncommon sacrifice.

What made the 5 virgins foolish wasn’t because they slept due to weakness and failings of the flesh. No! The other 5 also slept. We are all humans after all.

What made the 5 virgins foolish wasn’t because they were not prayerful or lack service or has no word in them. No! They had burning lamps. This to me is wonderful.  

They have exceeded many of us in preparation already.

Their only crime which is very important was their lack of perseverance, that extra oil of grace that keeps you walking with the Lord inspite of delayed visitation or fulfilment of expectations. You see, with this virtue of patience out of place you can compromise and deny the Lord.

They prepared, Yes, they prepared for the future. They prepared very well for the Bridegroom.


They were not ready! They were not ready for the moment, for the now, for immediate action! They were not ready!

Today, I thank God I have time to buy and share some oil with you now. However, my dear friends, there are certain oils I cannot share with you. It is not selfishness. I just can’t. It was made that way- work out your own salvation with fear and trembling, St Paul Said in Phil 2:12.

Are you prepared for destiny? Are you prepared for opportunities? Are you prepared to meet the Lord? (If yes congratulations! You are among the 10 virgins).

Okay! Let me rephrase

Are you ready to take off NOW to destiny, to opportunity, to meet the Lord? (If NO, You are among the 5 foolish virgins).

Wisdom says this is the time to go and buy extra oil of grace because no one knows how long the test of delay will be – delay of expectations and the coming of the Lord. Please let’s get a little extra oil my friends. And while we are at it, let’s get some more oil.

Go to the Lord and ask Him for grace to remain true to Him at all times and make up your mind that even if hell freezes up, you will remain with the Lord. Job said even if God slay me, I will yet trust Him Job 13:15. What do you say?

Help us Lord to keep our eyes always on Jesus free from market entanglements of the world. Maranatha!

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