Lenten Charity Campaign

♥CODEF wants to step in to help these displaced families at this great time of need. Help us to support them with food and clothes??

Lenten Charity Campaign 2021

Lenten Charity Campaign 2021

Lenten Charity Campaign 2021
Lenten Charity Campaign 2021

The Story Behind 2021 Lenten Charity Campaign

There is an urgent need God is calling us to attend to🧎🏼🧎🏽‍♂️

There are many displaced families👨‍👩‍👧 spread all over communities in Riyom Local Government of Plateau State in desperate need of our help😟

These people have lost virtually everything- their family members have been killed their houses totally burnt down and they had to flee for safety😰

✝️Fr. George Barde who is the Priest in charge of Riyom told us, “There is an urgent need for food. The people are hungry. It is a desperate situation”.

♥We were also touched when Fr. George shared with us how one of the IDPs, an elderly man who lost 8 of his family members  in an attack😰 came to ask for help with clothes as he had nothing to wear. Fr. George had to give the man some of his clothes🙆🏽‍♂️

♥CODEF wants to step in to help these displaced families at this great time of need. We want to support them with food and clothes🍲👚

Help us reach out to them! Don’t turn a blind eye. Don’t shut your ears to their plea!🙏🏼

Remember, whatever we do to help our brothers and sisters in need we are doing to Christ Himself (Matt 25:40)✝️

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