CONSULTANT/TEAM OF CONSULTANTS – Search for Common Ground, Nigeria

Call for Application: Media and Communication Channel Mapping and Mapping of Stakeholders and Referral Pathways for Victims of Religious Violence: Promoting and Protecting Freedom of Religion and Belief in Nigeria” (PP-FORB Nigeria)

Search for Common Ground (Search) is seeking a consultant to conduct two mapping exercises: Media and communication channel mapping and mapping of stakeholders and development of referral pathways to enhance access to support for victims of religious violence in Nigeria. The media and communication channel mapping will cover 6 states across the geopolitical zones and the Federal Capital Territory (FCT) to determine the preferred and reliable channels for the dissemination of multimedia content aimed at providing greater access to neutral and conflict-sensitive information related to interfaith harmony and FoRB credible information.
The mapping of the stakeholders and referral pathways for victims of religious violence will identify direct and indirect stakeholders, their level of influence, and existing and recommended referral pathways to be utilized in addressing emerging incidents of religious-based conflicts at the national level and across the 6 geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The consultant’s research proposal should include a plan to analyze the current context on Freedom of Religious Belief across states, gender, age, and religious demographics and mapping of referral pathways and systems that support victims of religious violence across the targeted states. Candidates’ teams should have previous experience in conducting baseline, and mapping, and a strong background in religious studies, and gender analysis.
Search for Common Ground
Search is an international conflict transformation NGO that aims to transform the way individuals, groups, governments and companies deal with conflict, away from adversarial approaches and towards collaborative solutions. Headquartered in Washington DC, USA, and Brussels, Belgium, with 52 field offices in over 30 countries, Search designs and implements multifaceted, culturally appropriate and conflict-sensitive programs using a diverse range of tools, including media and training, to promote dialogue, increase knowledge and determine a positive shift in behaviors.
Religion is deeply embedded in all aspects of Nigerian life – shaping not only citizens’ moral values, but also their moral understanding of the world, especially in times of crisis. While there are no official indicators of religious affiliation in Nigeria, most analysts say it is roughly evenly divided between Muslims and Christians. The country is believed to have the largest Muslim population in sub-Saharan Africa. It is estimated that 9% of the population belongs to other (not Christianity) or no religious groups. Religious affiliation is an important identity in the lives of most Nigerians; 87% of Nigerian citizens believe that religion plays an important role in their life. Religious and cultural pluralism is the daily experience of millions of Nigerians. Notwithstanding the existence of religious tensions, the reality is that most Nigerians want to live in harmony with their neighbors of different faiths. A Pew Research report found that 71% of Nigerians think that it is a good thing for people of other faiths to have the freedom to practice their beliefs.
This risks impacting several key overall development indicators, including freedom of religious belief and tolerance. Search-working key stakeholders in the sectors as well as the National Human Rights Commission will be implementing a 36-month project to empower actors to prevent and address conflicts along religious lines and advance FoRB in Nigeria. The project will be implemented using a national scope to engage key actors at the National level and also across the 6 geopolitical regions of Nigeria. While the geographic scope will be National, Search will at the beginning of the project and at regular intervals convene key actors from all regions in a central location and thereafter coordinate them through in-person and online engagements.
Search is recruiting a consultant/team of consultant(s) to conduct a mapping of stakeholders and referral pathways to enhance access to support for victims of religious violence in Nigeria while promoting FoRB.
The Project 
Search will be implementing a 36-month project with an overall goal to empower actors to prevent and address conflicts along religious lines and advance FoRB in Nigeria. 
The overall goal is supported by three specific objectives and the corresponding six intermediate results and three expected results that will guide the project’s activities:
Objective 1: To establish effective Early Warning/Early Response (EWER) and referral mechanisms for addressing FoRB violations and violence along religious lines in Nigeria.
Intermediate Result 1.1: EWER mechanisms for detecting and responding to emerging cases of FoRB violations and violence along religious lines (including blasphemy-related violent incidents) are improved
Intermediate Result 1.2: Collaborative action between local, national, and regional actors to respond to FoRB violations and violence along religious lines is improved.
Expected Result 1: Implementation of FoRB norms and principles are improved, contributing to a decrease in religious-based persecution and discrimination.
Objective 2: To strengthen support mechanisms for individuals at risk of FoRB violations.
Intermediate Result 2.1: Legal practitioners and other actors have enhanced capacities to support persons whose rights to FoRB have been violated.
Intermediate Result 2.2: Survivors of FoRB violations have increased knowledge of and access to support services.
Expected Result 2: Security agencies, human rights defenders, civil society, and faith-based actors (FBOs) provide more inclusive support to victims of FoRB violations and violence along religious lines
Objective 3: To enhance public understanding of interfaith conflict and the importance of FoRB.
Intermediate Result 3.1: Journalists and social media influencers have improved capacities to produce conflict-sensitive reporting on inter-faith and FoRB-related issues
Intermediate Result 3.2: Target communities have greater access to neutral and conflict-sensitive information related to inter-faith harmony and cohesion
Expected Result 3: Citizens have increased access to information on the importance of FoRB and a more diversified, pluriform media landscape.
Search will be combining an iterative series of setting up toll-free lines, digital listening, capacity building, religious tolerance activities, platforms for dialogue, media programming, provide support to victims amongst others to meet the project goal and objectives. Our theory of change is premised on:
IF religious leaders, security agencies, civil society actors, and other key stakeholders leverage new and existing platforms to anticipate, prevent, respond to, and address religious-based conflicts and their root drivers AND IF citizens have access to effective and trustworthy FoRB support mechanisms, AND IF capable and conflict-sensitive media practitioners enhance public understanding of FoRB THEN there will be a decrease in religious-based divisions, tensions, and violence BECAUSE citizens will be equipped to implement a holistic series of prevention, response, and support mechanisms,  addressing every aspect of the ‘violence cycle’, including both long- and short-term drivers of religiously-motivated violence.
Goal and Objectives of Studies
As the project is entering the implementation phase, we require a consultant to:
1. Map existing referral pathways and systems for addressing religious conflicts and supporting victims of this conflict, key stakeholders, and actors to promote FoRB as well as existing Early Warning and Early Response (EWER) systems to mitigate against the violence of the religious conflict. The mapping will help Search establish an EWER system to address religious-based conflicts and it will also document key lessons from utilizing these referral pathways. The objective of the mapping is as follows:
a. Document existing referral pathways and systems for addressing religious conflicts and supporting victims of religious violence.
b. Map and document existing coalition/network/platform on advancing FoRB and their geographic location and spread
c. Identify direct and indirect stakeholders/actors and analyze their level of influence to advance FoRB
d. Map existing early response systems to early warning of religious conflict
e. Map legal practitioners and networks working on FoRB and religious conflicts
2. The objectives of the media and communication channel mapping while considering other studies conducted by Search (Through rigorous desk review) are specified below:
Media Sector Mapping
a. Generate a database of media houses (radio and TV stations) as well as local community communication channels – both private and public ownership and their networks in target locations.
b. Map current and existing contents/programs on interfaith harmony and FoRB being aired in selected states.
Communication Channel Assessment
a. Determine what information sources and communication channels are most relied upon and trusted by community members including traditional and religious leaders in target locations
b. Determine appropriate communication channels including local and traditional means for disseminating information for varying demographics – community members (Youths, women, men, PWDs) in target locations
c. Ascertain the listening habits of community members in the selected states including prime times and days of radio listenership, preferred format, and preferred language for the radio program
Key questions of the study
1. Map existing referral pathways and systems
Existing referral pathways and systems.
a. What are the current referral pathways to report religious-based conflict
b. What referral pathway exists to support victims of religious-based conflict in targeted states
c. What kind of support exists for victims of religious-based violence
d. What legal systems are available at the state levels to address religious-based conflict and advance FoRB in Nigeria
Existing Coalition on advancing/promoting FoRB in targeted states
a. What networks currently exist for addressing religious-based conflict and advancing FoRB in the target state
b. What are the opportunities for leveraging existing networks/ mechanisms to continue to advance FoRB
Actors Mapping
a. Who are the key actors/stakeholders involved in promoting FoRB in target states and the country
b. Who are the legal practitioners providing support to victims of religious-based conflict
c. What legal systems/channels exist for the team in addressing this type of conflict
2. The questions of the media and communication channel mapping:
a. What are the most common communication channels used by people in target communities
b. What traditional communication channels exist at the community level
c. What radio and TV stations are accessible in the target locations
d. What is the listening habit of the target audience in target locations
e. What are the recent/current programs on FoRBs being aired on radio in target locations
Geographic Locations
This mapping exercise will be conducted at the national level capturing at least one state per geopolitical zone, preferably states with prevalent cases of religious tensions (Sokoto, Plateau, Bauchi, Imo, Ondo, Rivers states, and the Federal Capital Territory, (FCT) – Subject to review while using desk research to capture data from other states that are relevant to this study. The stakeholders of interest relevant to this study will be discussed upon engagement. The consultant can however suggest relevant stakeholders that can be targeted for this study.
Methodology and Data Collection Tools
The consultant in submitting the proposal should outline the research approach and methodology for data collection to be used, including the justification for these methods related to the research objectives. The applications submitted must clearly explain why the proposed methodology is the most appropriate to achieve the study objectives; they must also clarify the different tools that will be used and how each of these tools contributes to meeting the established lines of inquiry.
The consultant will be responsible for finalizing the literature review, designing the final methodology, developing tools, training of enumerators, data analysis, and drafting the report and actionable recommendations. Proposals should include clarity on data triangulation and key methodologies for data collection. The proposal will also include sampling strategies associated with the proposed methods, methodologies for data analysis outlined with justifications and reasoning for any key methods mentioned, Do No Harm strategies, and any proposed strategies for sharing the findings of the study.
The final methodology and tools will be approved by Search’s Institutional Learning Team (ILT)  and DMEL team before data collection begins.
Logistical Support
The consultant(s) will be responsible for organizing their own logistics for data collection (vehicles, fuel, and drivers), and this must be budgeted into the study. In addition, Search will share the following elements with the external consultant: background materials including previous mappings and listenership surveys, project proposal and log frame, M&E plan, background materials including the project proposal and log frame, conflict analysis, and relevant reports on the context, etc.
Timeline and Key Deliverables
This study will take place from February 2023 – March 2023 with the final deliverables due by 28th March 2023 at the latest.
Final deadlines will be agreed upon by Search and the consultant upon finalization of the contract.

Deliverables – Search expects the following deliverables from the external consultant(s) as they correspond to the timeline and budget:

    • Two inception report detailing the methodology, data collection tools and timeline;
    • Any necessary training of data collectors or set-up of systems for data collection;
    • Supervision and participation in data collection;
    • Oversight of data coding and analysis;
    • Debrief after data collection is completed (presentation of first trends and preliminary findings)
    • All original data submitted to Search;
    • A draft media and communication channel mapping and mapping of referral pathway reports in English language for review by Search staff and partners;
    • Two Separate Reports: A final media and communication channel mapping and mapping of referral pathway reports in English (each with 30 pages each max in length, excluding appendices) consistent with Search branding and standards for evaluation. The report:
    • Uses the Search evaluation template unless otherwise agreed in the contract
    • Provides a clear connection between the conflict or context assessment and the intended and unintended results
    • Fully explains the objectives and research questions of the study, limitations and methods chosen for analysis,
    • Findings respect Search’s evaluation standards, are structured around the main objectives of the study, and are presented in relation to the intended target groups. The findings should speak to the link between the project, its Theory of Change and its contribution to our strategy. It should explain adaptations that occurred during the project and their impact on results.
    • Recommendations should have a clear audience and be specific, accessible, and actionable.
    • Indicator table showing all measured indicators
    • Appendices should include detailed research instruments, list of interviewees, terms of references and evaluator(s) brief biography
    • 2-page summary of key findings
    • Restitution session incl. PPT


    • A detailed budget should be provided, including daily rates for personnel, and costs related to data collection (per total number of people sampled, sites for collection, etc.), analysis, and production of deliverables.
    • This budget should include all planned costs for the study as no additional costs will be borne by Search.

Requirements of Consultant

    • Proficiency in English and local languages (written and spoken);
    • More than 7 years of experience in conducting mapping, conflict assessment, and project evaluation, including collecting data in interviews, surveys, and focus groups;
    • Experience in conflict analysis and working with religious, human rights activists, and civil society sectors;
    • Experience working with international organizations;
    • Experience conducting quantitative surveys and analysis;
    • Evaluation methods and data collection skills;
    • Strong analytical and report-writing skills
    • Familiarity and experience with contextual challenges in the geographic location(s) where the study will take place.

In addition, the consultant is required to respect the following Ethical Principles:

      • Comprehensive and systematic inquiry: The consultant should make the most of the existing information and the full range of stakeholders available at the time of the review. The consultant should conduct systematic, data-based inquiries. He or she should communicate his or her methods and approaches accurately and in sufficient detail to allow others to understand, interpret and critique his or her work. He or she should make clear the limitations of the review and its results.
      • Competence: The consultant should possess the abilities and skills and experience appropriate to undertake the tasks proposed and should practice within the limits of his or her professional training and competence.
      • Honesty and integrity: The consultant should be transparent with the contractor/constituent about any conflict of interest, any change made in the negotiated project plan and the reasons why those changes were made, and any risk that certain procedures or activities produce misleading review information.
      • Respect for people: The consultant respects the security, dignity, and self-worth of respondents, and program participants. The consultant has the responsibility to be sensitive to and respect differences amongst participants in culture, religion, gender, disability, age, and ethnicity.
In addition, the consultant will respect Search’s evaluations standards, to be found in Search’s evaluation guidelines:

Selection Criteria

    • Relevance of proposed methodology to the goal, objectives, and research questions for the project.
    • Quality of proposed methods, conflict sensitivity approaches, and quality control measures.
    • Qualifications of the candidate(s).
    • Proposed budget in relation to proposed methodology, deliverables, and team.
    • Timeline for proposed activities.
To apply: Interested candidates (individuals or teams) are requested to submit the following two documents:
Curriculum vitae and one relevant past mapping assessment conducted;
A technical proposal proposing a methodology for the evaluation together with a financial proposal for the completion of the aforementioned deliverables and a short cover letter.
Note: Only two documents can be submitted, so the technical and financial proposals must be combined, along with the short cover letter. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis.
Applications must be submitted on or before 17th February 2023
Click here to Apply

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