Laying the foundations: Understanding the Meaning of Relationship

I will like to begin with a question, Is it right for me to make use of connection to get what I desire?

Before we get into answering this question, let me try to give you what I consider the best meaning of relationship as pertain to this study though there are several definition and meaning to the word relationship.

Relationship is the understanding and ease in communication between persons. The understanding and ease in communication between persons is connection.  We can state it more simply that relationship is the connection between persons. So if I say John and I connect well. I simply mean, John and I have good understanding of each other and communicate freely.

The degree of ‘understanding and flow in communication’ is what often results into various layers of relationship. So we have family relationship, romantic relationship, friends relationship, acquaintance relationship.

Relationship is a two way thing. If you fail to get the other person connected as you desire then the relationship should have another form of definition. Until you secure the other persons commitment, be careful what you call the relationship. There must be a mutual understanding to rightly define a relationship. It is a give and take contract. You have to be deliberate about your connection.

Using your connection to achieve a good purpose is not evil. It is a blessing. It starts with first discovering your purpose and God’s will in that situation. Secondly, be good at what you do so that it will not be an enthronement of mediocrity. If God wills that you pass through a process and that you should not seek help then not using connection is faith. Besides no one will help you except God enables them. In addition, God places them there possibly for such a time as this.  

So what do you think?

Is it right for me to make use of connection to get what I desire?

This is Sam-Attu with CoD giving wings to your dreams

God bless you

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