Five Strategies for Building a Purposeful Relationship

This is the final episode in our study this month, under the theme:


Prov 27:17-18 shows us the value of building purposeful relationships. By that scripture, we understand that there is need for people in your life that can sharpen your vision and talents. Likewise, you need to care for people with the aim to make them and their business better. These things will bring you rewards and honour.

In episode 1 we Laid the foundations, like master builders, in Understanding the Meaning of Relationship.

While In episode 2 we sailed the layers of relationships and how to navigate through them successfully like sailors.

Another interesting episode was episode 3 there like pilots, we explored 5 steps to take control of auto pilot relationships.

Because relationship is an asset, people invest in it to reap the benefit. Now, like businesspersons, let’s take a leap into the final episode which we have titled:


 1. Know your purpose: It is assumed that you know your purpose and will recognise opportunities that point to it. If you don’t know where you are going every path will be a way, and at the end no path will get you there because you don’t even know there.

 2. Break the default circle: Be deliberate about seeking out people that are likely to lead you to your goal. Expand your area of search. Initiate contact. Do not be afraid to let go of toxic relationships.

 3. Nurture the relationship: Don’t expect relationships to grow naturally. Be deliberate about your calls, contact and gifts. Find what pleases the person and relate with them on such ground. It may be an anniversary, ceremony, gifts, words of affirmation, closeness etc

 4. Be of value to the person: Values are transacted; it is exchanged by barter or by currency. If you meet a need, you will be needed. Find a need to meet in the person’s affair no matter how small and do it most efficiently and on time lest someone else will take your place.

 5. Be mindful of time and brand: Therefore, focus on what is important. Let the other person give you the lead. Speak in their interest as much as possible as you represent and sell your brand and ideas.

People that will help you are out there. You have to find a way to connect with them. And God will help you. Your relationship with God is the most important connection you can have. God can raise help and connect you to the right persons. He is the only relationship that will not fail and can fix all faulty relations. How strategic are you building and caring for your relationship with God?

If you have starved a promising relationship, I hope by this teachings you will take a step to be deliberate in building purposeful interpersonal relationships. Give me a shout out when you start reaping the benefits.

Remember this, purposeful relationship is an asset. Invest in it. It is a great wing to your destiny, fly on its wings.

Thank you for your attention.

 This is Sam-Attu with CoD giving wings to your dream

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