How to Develop the Champions’ Mindset

Hello once again. Welcome to Champions of Destiny. Our study focus for this month is titled developing the mindset of champions. Today we will concentrate on How to Develop the Champions’ Mindset.

Your mind is the doorway between the spiritual and material world. Having a mindset is like having a lock on that door; it determines what comes in and goes out of your mind. To develop a right mindset for success is to permit the flow of positive thoughts through your mind– thoughts of greatness and excellence. This is so important that

Phil 4:8 says

In conclusion, my friends, fill your minds with those things that are good and that deserve praise: things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, and honorable.

Put into practice what you learned and received from me, both from my words and from my actions. And the God who gives us peace will be with you.

According to the scripture above having the right mindset and practice are the keys to success which is having the best of God described as peace. God cannot back up a man with a faulty mindset.


To develop the mindset of champions you cannot just upgrade your thoughts. I mean you have to unlearn the wrong stuff and then relearn the right thoughts. It is often difficult to unbelief what one has already believed. It is difficult to undo what society has made you to think about yourself. Example society thought us to be conformists and competitive, you know, take the first position in class. And when you fail an examination, society labels you as a failure. How many people are still thinking of themselves as failures because an examiner or supervisor called them so?  Whatever is counterproductive to a good life has to be re-examined, then push your delete button to reject it.

  1. The first way to develop the mindset of champion is not to allow your environment, which include the persons in it, to decide what you think and meditate. Channel your mind rightly. Clear off all the garages around your mind. You are not a failure because you have not gotten that job or achieve the set goal. Do not dwell on the negatives of the past or future.
  2. Because your environment has a way of sneaking into your mind, try to adjust your environment by removing yourself from it and going somewhere else or take a mind-trip to a more desirable place. Remember when you won or achieved something, and then go ahead to how you will win and celebrate your win in future. You will feel the adrenaline charge of confidence to start working it out.
  3. With what do you feed your mind? The books you read, films you watch, people you listen to become the liquid raw material that solidifies into a mindset. Therefore, it is important that you feed your minds with life building materials especially the word of God.
  4. Think positive, say positive and do positive: Yes. You may not be able to determine what gets into your mind but you can influence what preoccupies it. Let those things be only positive things. See opportunities in problems, challenges in oppositions, patience in trial, experience in defeat. Words strengthens thoughts and with your words practice setting your mind on champion’s path. Yes, by exercise and practice you can set your mind to win. In summary there are three powerful principles here for developing the mindset of a champion, you have to imagine yourself in the best light possible. Two, motivate yourself by talking success. Three, use positive actions to correct all the possible errors that may come to your mind, act in the positive based on your preparation.

Your mindset affects the way you think and live as Prov 27:19 in the NIV says, “as water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart.” However you look now, it is a matter of time and your appearance will begin to reflect your mind. To think right is to live right. That is your portion in Jesus name. Amen

Well, this is Sam-Attu with Champions of Destiny, giving wings to your dreams.

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