How to find fulfilling work

Welcome to Champions of Destiny, a platform where we inspire you to rise above societal challenges. The focus of our study this month has been on the SECRETS TO FINDING FULFILMENT IN YOUR LIFE’S WORK. Our topic today is titled, How to Find Fulfilling Work.

In our previous episodes we took an in-depth exploration into the secrets to finding fulfilment in your life’s work. Here is a recap of what we have covered so far: We began with the scriptural text where Jesus gave an answer about a question on work, He said, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.” John 5:17. God loves work and gives work to His children as the medium to contribute to the beauty of His creation. The work that God intends for you is one that gives you rest as you satisfy your reason for existence and it begins with faith in God.

The secrets for finding fulfilment in your life’s work include

  1. Focus on how the work should contribute to your life’s purpose and goals.
  2. Find a way to express your values
  3. Appreciate the best in the present and focus on it.
  4. Focus on learning new things or skills, gaining mastery and becoming more excellent at what you do.
  5. Focus on making a contribution, make a difference and build good relationships.

These things are important to our next topic. For more detail refer to our last episode.

Now back to our study for today, How to Find Fulfilling Work. A friend of mine wrote a little piece that reflects the experience of many of how having certificate does not guarantee anyone a job and the torturous months or years of job search. While some were able to secure one job or another, majority are unsatisfied with their jobs. You see, satisfaction is subjective, it cannot be given, you have to create it. Presently both the employed and unemployed are in search of a fulfilling work beyond their present job. Today’s episode will guide you in the path of your search for a fulfilling job.

First, let me be quick to tell you that less than 10% graduates actually got the job of their dreams and the percentage that is fulfilled in their job is even far lesser. What does that say about our study today? Searching for a desired job is like looking for a soul mate. It is not true that there is one person that is your soul mate. Anyone can actually become your soul mate. There is no one perfect job.

There are several jobs that can be perfect for you. What you need is to explore the one that comes your way and find out how it suits your purpose while it pays your present bills. Our nation is not a place where you will pick jobs at will. Be smart and grab the one that comes your way. If it doesn’t settle well with you, you can begin to search for another.

In search for a fulfilling work, settle in your mind that money and status are not important equation for fulfilment. Many have regretted going for money or retaining a position in their choice of finding career fulfilment. However, the contribution you make, autonomy to use your talents and respect are important.

We were trained to be fit for jobs. No, it should be the other way round; jobs should fit to our personality. Although desperation makes us to accept whatever job comes, it is important to reach a point where you can know what kind of work you will commit yourself to; one that fits your talents, passion, values and personality. Remember you are selling yourself to get a job. The point I am making here is this, knowing your vital qualities will help you prepare your personal advertisement for any job that can suit and hire you. Therefore get to know your talents, passions, values, and personal qualities. Aristotle once said, “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lies your vocation.”

You can prepare a job advertisement to understand and pursue your dream job. Write about your talents, passions, values, skills, qualifications and personal qualities. Your desired salary and geographical location and other things that you think are important in relation to the job. If you don’t know your dream work of life, you can have like 10 friends in different careers or profession to look at this advert of yourself and suggest what job would suit your set of qualities.

When there’s a trend in their reply, then that is an area you can explore. Then go ahead to try it out

Most of us make the decision to read a particular course or enter a career with very little knowledge about it. This is a major problem. We get into career and realise that the map that explains the career is not the same as the destination. And we are left to grope in the job searching for fulfilment. While some things cannot be undone, now that you are of age, it is time to choose your life’s work wisely and learn the necessary skills.

Don’t be afraid to try several jobs in search of your life’s work. Although this may not be a reality in our kind of economy, it is possible to talk to people who are already in the kind of work you desire. This is because some careers are only wonderful on TV shows but in reality it may not satisfy your desire. If you are interested in journalism, talk to a journalist to discover their day to day struggles. I was interested in starting a publishing firm. I spoke to my brother who is also my mentor. He took me to a large publication house in one of the military establishment. After conversing with the officer in charge, I realised that, at least for now, I am not ready for that line of business. I have also committed resources in training for something I thought I would like to venture into. You know what I learnt from the training, that the area is not what I wanted. Good returns for the money invested in the training, isn’t it? At least I learnt that I am not cut out for that.

Talk to practitioners to find out if the job is what you expected? Did they sound energized about it? Did it offer respect, use of your talents, passions, and provide autonomy?

If the answer is no, you got to keep searching. If it is a yes, and it fits your desire, you’re probably onto a career that could be perfect and satisfying.

Finally, how do you know you have found your life’s work? Simple you will experience what has been called the ‘flow’. This is when you are absolved in what you are doing that you lost track of time, rest, food and everything in the world seems to fade away. You are just satisfied doing what you do. When you find a work that you experience the flow quite often, you are a winner.

You are going to spend most of your adult life working. It will be best you enjoy it. I hope we have contributed to that enjoyment with this series of the secrets to finding fulfilment in your life’s work.

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