Grace speaks for me – Out of His fullness (abundance)

John 1:16

 For out of His fullness (abundance) we have all received [all had a share and we were all supplied with] one grace after another and spiritual blessing upon spiritual blessing and even favor upon favor and gift [heaped] upon gift.

There is one who is the sole repository of all grace- Christ Jesus. He is the direct expression of the fathers love and kindness. The law that Moses brought and the subsequent religion we built around it can only afford us drops of blessings after much effort to keep them. But in Christ there is an abundant overflow of every good thing.

Grace is that divine enablement to succeed that we call blessing or grace. It cannot be merited or earned. It can only be received with thanks.

How do you access the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ? By becoming a child of God we connect to the ever flowing stream of His abundant grace and blessings. Salvation is only an introduction into His grace. Grace can be increased and multiplied 2 Pt 1:2.

Grace is added to a person when he becomes a child of God but it can be multiplied through knowledge. You have to know God and what God can do. Your faith and knowledge of God provokes the multiplication of grace. 

Grace is for everyone Titus 2:11 but is not received by everyone.

Grace saves Eph 2:8 For by grace you have been saved.    

Grace justifies Rom 3: 24 and all are justified freely by his grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus.

Grace overcomes sins Rom 6: 14 For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace.

Grace builds up, grace overtakes works, grace helps,  grace is sufficient 2 Cor 12:8-9,  

Even the throne of God is called the throne of grace Heb 4:16 16 Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

When grace speaks for the weak, they will win despite their weakness.

Grace speaks for the humble and they produce lasting achievements that the boastful. James 4:6

When grace speaks protocols are by passed

When grace speaks it attracts favour whether you are known to people or not.

When grace speaks your certificates or credentials do not count for much.

When grace speaks for you people may be going down but you will be going up. Your case will always be different for good

When grace speaks, God enters into the race with and for you. You will achieve in 3days what you could not achieve in 3years

When grace speaks you will succeed despite the attacks from corona virus, evil persons or demons.

Grace means, God has entered the race for you and you will succeed without sweat.

I saw this beautiful piece on

Grace means FAVOUR minus LABOUR;
When GRACE Speaks, protocols are suspended, If you doubt me ask
Esther ; When GRACE Speaks, Laws are broken, If you doubt me ask
King 👑 David ; When GRACE Speaks, Educational Qualifications are Useless, If you doubt ask Peter.
When GRACE Speaks, Connections are Needless, If you doubt me ask
Joseph ; from Prison to Prime Minister……

I pray for you, that through the remaining part of the year you will experience what it means for grace to speak, I pray you grow in knowledge, may the portals of heaven be opened for you, may grace speak for you in Jesus name. Amen 

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