Initial Questions Towards Discovering You Life’s Purpose 2 of 4

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Welcome to Champions of Destiny, a platform where we encourage each other to fulfil our purpose in life.

The focus of our study this month is PURPOSE

And our theme is:


This is episode 2

In episode 1 we tried to figure out Why it is important for you to discover the purpose of your life. As a recap, we know that when the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable. The quality, value and uniqueness of your life is defined by purpose.

When you are out in search of a thing, for a successful search, you must first be certain of what you are searching for, the possible place where it might be and the right direction to the place. Otherwise, your search will be futile.

Therefore, we are going to explore three important questions that you ought to settle in order discover your life’s purpose.

1. Where are you from?                                (Gen 1:26-27, Rev 4:11)

This question wants you to discover your source, which will help you to know the resources and strength available to you in life.

In Gen 1:26-27 God said let us make man in our image and likeness. In this age of ICT we can say that God is compose of both hardware and software components and man was made exactly like that. In other words, Man comprises of a hardware component called the soul and a software component called the spirit.

Moreover, if you are a programmer you will know that the software is of utmost importance. If you are still running an outdated software version, I implore you to upgrade to the new software version by becoming born again as you accept Jesus as your Lord and saviour. In addition, don’t stop there, upgrade your software package to the latest version by being filled with the Holy Spirit, and be virus free by praying, meditating and practicing the word of God.

You are from above, from God himself. Don’t think you are from the ground. No. God only formed, fashioned, designed, or modelled man from the dust of the ground but that wasn’t the man. It was when God breathed on the moulded dust that man came into it. You are not dust. You are not just a product of your earthly parents.

This is so important because whatever you recognise as your source will have the greatest influence on you, it will form your characteristics.

If you look to the earth or your ancestry for answer about your purpose, you will most definitely miss it.

History and ancestral lineage are important but they are majorly means through which you were delivered to this world. In the process, some distinguishing features of your ancestors might have robbed on you. Nevertheless, your true source is God.

A mango tree does not come from the leaves/stem or soil; it is from the mango seed itself. If the leaf, branch, or stem of mango plant is trying to discover its purpose, it will miss it by asking the environment. However, by looking at their source they can connect their purpose to the mango seed. They will say, O yeah, I am called to do this or that as a support to produce more mangoes. You are that leaf, stem or branch. Look to your source and understand your purpose in Him.

2. Who are you?                                               (Rev. 5:9-10)

This question is linked to where you are from. It is about your calling through which you will execute your purpose.

 Actually, there may be one purpose but several calling.

A fruit is as good as the seed. That is, you are as good as your source.

A fruit is defined by the seed. Whatever a mango seed is, a mango fruit is also. I am trying to say that, who you are is defined by who your source is.

Many people have distorted opinion about themselves. You are no longer among that number because today you know your source and who you are.

Rev 5:10 says you are redeemed; you are of a royal stock, a priest-king, a child of God.

3. Why are you here?                     (Eph. 2:10)

This question is to help you discover your mission or you may call it purpose if you like.

The mission of a fruit is not too different from that of the seed. Whatever a mango seed can do, a mango fruit can do the same thing. Whatever your mission might be, it is to be connected to your source.

Eph 2:10 says we are God’s workmanship (masterpiece), created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand.

You see, whatever your purpose in life maybe, it must reflect the character of your source. God is good and does good, helpful or beneficial things.

Therefore, your purpose in life must be good, helpful or beneficial too. That is why you are here. How you are to do this will be based on your calling, which is in who are you? To what extent or degree you are to do this will be based on the resources made available to you by your source, which is in where are you from?

I want you to reflect prayerfully on the following before we meet again:

What does God say about:

Who I am?

Where I am from?

What I am called to be?

Why I am here?

Where I am going?

In episode 3 we will look at, cardinal Keys to Discover your Purpose (SHAPE)

Until then, keep reigning in life!

God bless you.



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