Happy Christmas!
At Christmas, we celebrate the greatest miracle of our faith, that our God became a human being like us to save us. Think of the love of God, that he left his glory and took our form because he loves us. We have come to remind you that God loves you and He has come to help you if you will come to Him and call upon His name. This is the best time to come to God, and give your life to Him.
The world is passing through difficult times. Our country Nigeria is suffering. No one is safe. Politicians have failed. Banditry, terrorism, and all manner of wickedness and evil. Children are becoming more stubborn. Families are shaking. If you are not careful you will begin to wonder what kind of life is this. But this is not the plan of God. He does not want anyone to perish. If the whole world will turn to Jesus today, the world will become like heaven. But not everyone will turn to Jesus.
Instead of waiting for others to turn to Jesus, why don’t you decide today to turn to Jesus and commit your life totally to Him? God can not commit himself to someone who is not serious with him. If you must survive this challenging time, because the world will continue to have very difficult times, you need to take refuge in God.
You need to get serious with God and live your life according to his word. Learn to plan with God and live in gratitude. I tell you, your present condition is better than the condition of someone else. If you want to see more of God’s help in your life live a life of constant gratitude, see the good around you and thank God.
These three things will help you to survive this difficult time. In 2023, commit your life to obey God, then plan with Him, and be thankful at all times. Then you will see that God is able to take care of you as you trust and listen to Him to guide you. You will live well even when the world is difficult for others.
It is God that has called us to share His love with you this Christmas. No one can give you anything unless God put it in their heart. You are here because God knows you and he wants you to know He is always there for you if you will come to him with trust and obedience.
Champions of Destiny Foundation is not a philanthropy group. No. We are a people who love God and believe that with God you can rise above all societal problems. You can join our group on WhatsApp and know more about us and always message us if you need assistance. We are happy to share God’s love with you through His word, prayer and charity. Above all, we encourage you to put your trust in the Lord and make up your mind to follow Jesus and obey His word.
God bless you.