connection and competence can take you up the ladder but only character will keep you there. Character will win you the heart of everyone in fact even your heart and your life
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Let’s start with this,
Have you heard someone’s name and you wish not to associate with them or repeat it. Not because the name is a tongue twister but because of its weight, the meaning of the name. Even so your character gives your name its true definition.
The name Lucifer has a wonderful meaning- light bearer but not many will want to be called Lucifer. Or do you? Why? The popular bearer of the name has given it a more defining meaning by his devilish character. So, what meaning have you given to your name?
I know a guy who was sacked during this difficult time. What led to his sack? Actually several things were in his favour. The organization needed someone with his skill set and he was connected to the top bosses. So it was easy for him to edge others to the top within a short time. It was not too long when reports started coming in about some shady deals he is into.
The management interrogated him about the allegations and he sweet-mouth his way denying everything until someone came in with an electronic recording of him caught in the act. It was so shameful. His connection was helpless to cover his over exposed character deficiency. He was eventually sacked.
What led to his sack? Was it his incompetence or lack of connection? No! Was it the economic situation? No! His sack was caused by his deficiency of character. So sad. Character was the only thing he could have achieved without cost. But he failed.
You see, connection and competence can take you up the ladder but only character will keep you there. Character will win you the heart of everyone in fact even your heart and your life.
The bible says good name is better than wealth. Prov 22:1 A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches, and favor is better than silver or gold.
Good name is won by integrity and reputation. Don’t sacrifice your good name because of wealth. Good name will give you rest of mind; it will win you trust and favour from people. Overall it will win you a place with God. So what does your character say about your name? Settle your choice, A good name or great riches? I trust you will choose right.
Previously we said, connection and competence can take you up the ladder but only character will keep you there.
So what does character mean to you? Someone close to me once gave his sister some coloured papers to take to the trash. She looked at it and did as directed. Here is the catch. Those coloured papers we actually cool US dollars. Lol
If you don’t know a thing, you will never own or value it. You have to know the meaning and importance of character before you can make it yours. We have highlighted the importance of character previously. So let’s get some meaning of character and I hope you will share what character mean to you.
Character according to Oxford Learner’s Dictionary means all the qualities and features that make a person different from others. So are we saying there are characters peculiar to champions which others do not have? YES!
In our “Wise Wednesdays Reminder” quote of 21/10/2020 we said character is doing the right things even when nobody is watching. It has been said that character is a collection of habits- that which is being done over time.
Everyone lives differently but not everyone lives a wining and fulfilling life. To be fulfilled in life you have to be deliberate about it; you have to cultivate those traits that will make you a true champion. And yes, you can be a champion in every major sphere of your life this is what spells fulfilment, the ability to live fulfilling purpose.
By character of champions we mean those distinguishing features or qualities that set successful people apart.
Is there a thing as the character of champions?
What makes certain persons high fly achievers in all or most aspects of their lives? Why would they win in their profession or career, yet win in their relationships; their life are so much in balance? You can tell that persons like these are not just a one run champion. They have traits that keep them in every areas of their life.
I believe you can be wired to live a victorious life and the hub of this champion life is character. That is why it is so important you cultivate the right character. And I must tell you the easiest and best way to cultivate the character of champions is to know Jesus personally.
The interesting thing about Jesus style is that He takes the work from you and only demands your faith. I am speaking from experience, I testify! It will be my esteemed pleasure to show you the way of Christ.
Yes we do not start from a common background but in Christ we all have the opportunity to aim for greatness. If you recognize that the grace-unmerited favour in Christ Jesus is a leveller, you will gear up to live your purpose and cultivate the characters that will make you a true champion.
The throne of greatness is open to everyone and it is achievable by everyone who commits themselves to the development of the necessary traits that will make them throne worthy. Are you throne worthy?
So what does character of champions mean to you?
What are 5 Vital Characters of Champions?
It was Prophet Samuel who went to anoint a king to replace Saul in 1 Samuel 16. His eyes were rightly set on those who have the physic and acumen of leadership. But to each one of them God said I have rejected him. That is an insightful statement. It means God has given each of them a shot but they have disappointed him. Yes they have the credentials and physical build up but they have failed the test for the throne.
Therefore it is clear that there are vital features or qualities of Champions that without them you will still miss the throne. You may even occupy the title of champion but deep inside you will know what a failure and how empty you are. However, with right traits, you may not have the title of champion tied on you by men but you will find that peace and fulfilment that is the lot of true champions.
I am confident you are striving for the best life has to offer. Now, are you cultivating the qualities that will give you that life you desire?
So now what are the 5 Vital Characters of Champions that make one throne worthy?
- A purposeful mind often referred to as grit: That strength of mind, courage, fearlessness and fortitude to know what you want and go for it despite oppositions. It has been said that character is a collection of habits and habit a collection of attitude and attitude a collection of thoughts. It begins with the mind.
- Doggedness or perseverance:* I call it the tenacity to stick with it to the finish line. Be a finisher. The path of cultivating the wining character isn’t bread and butter. To win you ought to be tough with face like a flint set on success.
- Tolerance and empathy: Tolerance can be interpreted as a respect of others even when they are different from you. This quality makes you to win in your relationship with people. Tolerance and empathy wins with people at any given time.
- Integrity and self discipline: Integrity is typically defined as a commitment to honesty and strong moral principles that eschewed shady behaviours. Champions don’t cut corners. They disciplined themselves to always stay at the right course despite their feelings and weaknesses. You don’t act out of your feelings but out of your conviction. Feeling is fleeting and weakness is there to be overcome not pampered.
- Commitment improvement: Champions do not settle for average. They are committed to character and capacity development. Good is not enough when there is a better. They believe there is more. To improve and perform at your best at all time entails great amount of sacrifice. They have a mentality of constant improvement.
Character is not built in seclusion or in running from people and situations. Exposure to challenges, problems, training, opportunities and all manner of people is the lab where character is crafted. Every time you are exposed to certain situation and people, you have an opportunity to build character. God has given you the heart of a champion.
What you need to do for good success in life is to cultivate the character of champions. Character is key to a successful and fulfilling life.
This is Sam Attu saying keep living in Christ’s victory. Shalom