Developing the mindset of a Champion

Hello there. Welcome to Champions of Destiny, where your dreams are given wings. I have a mission in life. And that mission is to see you become the best of you. I have realized that people rise and fall as programmed by their mind. Here is an opportunity for you to re-programme your life for success. We have titled this series Developing the mindset of a champion.

I have been down and I have also been up, so I know the difference. I have been down when I have everything and I have been up even when I had nothing, I know where it all lies. It is in the mind. Whatever is happening to you now, pleasant or unpleasant, is based on what your mind says it is.

Why is it important that we focus on the mind after an intensive study of vision? It is important because the mind is the drawing board of vision. Hence, no matter how beautiful the drawing of your life ought to be, if the board is faulty the true picture may never come out. It is your mind that picture what you will capture in life. If you know the power of the mind you will give all it takes to revamp the mind for success. In fact thoughts are so powerful that Napoleon Hill wrote a book titled, “Think and grow rich” The mind is so powerful that it is a 24hour prayer warrior because God listens to the prayers of your mind.

The mind is a programmer that utilizes the programming language of the spirit to draft out complex codes for the functioning of your life. See how the bible puts it, You have to exercise control and vigilance over your mind because it affects everything you do – life flows from it Prov 4:23.

The making of champions begins from the mind. If one fails in there, no matter the height of, they will still behave and end up like a tramp. But a champion at heart, even in a hip of trash will still act like a champ. That mindset will eventually become their reality.

To develop a right mindset is to permit the flow of positive thoughts through your mind– thoughts of greatness and excellence. Here is how God thought us to develop this unique mindset of champion:

Phil 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Champions do not allow their present state to affect their minds and words. They do not confess defeat. They visualize their trophies. They talk about coming back even after a knockdown. They never quit.

Next time I will talk to you about How to develop this mindset of champions. Until then keep winning. God bless you


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