Exploring the greatness of God – His power to do all things…

Praise the Lord. Today is Day 2 of our mid year retreat and our reflection is tilted, “Exploring the greatness of God”.

Dear Father, we thank you for this opportunity to draw from you. We ask Lord that You flood our hearts with the light of your truth, so that we may be empowered, enriched and transformed for the glory of your name. In Jesus name we pray Amen.

Our scriptural text is taken from Psalm 52:2: It says…

I will cry to God Most High, Who performs on my behalf and rewards me [Who brings to pass His purposes for me and surely completes them]!

As we step into the second half of the year, I have come to share with you a secret – looking at the situations around us today…especially the dramatic turn this year has taken…how can we stay afloat and not be blown away by the storms life throws at us?

The answer is:

Exploring the greatness of God- His power to do all things, especially to fulfill His purpose for your life.

One of my favourite Church songs as I child used to be” I have a very big God ooo who is always by my side, a very big God ooo by my side, by my side”. This song used to give me a certain kind of confidence and assurance even as a kid. You know the kind of assurance that gives a child confidence to walk fearless even in the dark …yes that was it.

Come to think of it,  its true… we have a very big God! We serve a mighty God…He is called The Most High God, the All powerful one… the greatest of all…the One who can do all things…

and I assure you, by the truth of His word, this is not theory, this is what it is- real and true, even in our day

The Bible is filled with so many instances of God’s greatness…


  • In the book of exodus we see how, with a Mighty Hand and an outstretched arm he delivered the people of Israel from Egypt…he stepped in so gloriously that even the Egyptians knew that there was someone more powerful…
  • Have you ever considered that the same power that parted the Red Sea is available to you even today?
  • That the same God who created the world simply by the word of his mouth,
  • Who brought this beautiful world to existence out of nothing!

…is still God…and still at work even today? He has not changed …He does not change.

But how often do we really recognize His greatness in our lives and proclaim it over the situations we face?

In my life, I have seen the greatness of God in marvelous ways; The Lord stepping in for me in amazing ways when all else has failed…when it looks like nothing will work out anymore. When humans have told me sorry there’s nothing we can do…

Once a needed a certain document from a government office, and you know how some of them can be sometimes, they act like they are god and your destiny is in their hands. Well, this person was proving too tough and refusing to cooperate… I was so worried that I could hardly sleep, what was I to do? I tried all I could, every human intervention u can think of, but nothing work…the whole door was being shut in my face…

In the midst of my fear and confusion…I went to God… recalling His word that says “The heart of a king is in His hands” and I know this person is not too big for you to handle…you are the greatest and no one can frustrate your purpose…My dear friends, the rest is testimony! I got a call, just like that!

I have come to realise from experience that no one can stop what God has destined to do in your life.  Who is that man that can stand tall against our God? No one.

Many times we worry and break our heads because we undermine God’s greatness and what He can do

He says in Jeremiah 32

“I am the LORD, the God of all flesh. Is anything too hard for me?

What is that situation that holds you back? What is that future that you are afraid of?

Is it bigger than God? Or is it too difficult for Him to handle?

The popular quote says  ‘Don’t tell God how big your problems are the world is his, flip it around tell your problems how big God is.

Remind yourself today, as I remind myself…Our God is greater than Corona virus, He is greater than the economy, than governments and their policies…He is greater than every negative news flying around…

Isaiah 40:15 says to him, the nations are like a drop in a bucket

God is indeed greater than ALL

Therefore this is my confidence and should be yours too, that No power of Hell, No scheme of man shall ever tamper with his purpose for my life. No matter what goes on around me, Jesus commands my destiny !



So let’s begin today…to recognize the greatness of God over every challenge, over every limitation

Celebrate His greatness over every life situation that ever was and ever will be

Knowing that …

He is Able to deliver

He is Mighty to save

He is able to do all things!

Father in the name of Jesus, You are great and do marvelous deeds; You alone are God.  I proclaim your greatness over the lives of your children and over every hovering situation. You’re infinitely greater than all my struggles. I give You praise, glory, and honor for Your limitless greatness and power . I pray in these few moments together You will help all of us to focus on Your greatness in a fresh and wonderful way. Teach us Lord to align our lives with Your greatness, and  empower us by Your Spirit to live our lives completely relying on Your greatness. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

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