Secrets To Finding Fulfilment In Your Life’s Work 1

Welcome to Champions of Destiny, a platform where we give wings to your dreams. The focus of our study for this month is on the SECRETS TO FINDING FULFILMENT IN YOUR LIFE’S WORK. For some persons week days are dreaded days and they spend their weekends doing works that give them fulfilment. The “thank God it’s Friday” cliché is an off shot of the frustration from what we call work. The word work is a turn off for many youths. Some will say smart work is better than hard work. There is no deceiving you here, guys all work is hard work.

What gives reality to dreams and vision is spelt W.O.R.K. Work is a necessity of life, an opportunity to contribute to the beauty of the world. It is a gift from God. There is no mental assent, vision or mindset that will take you anywhere. It must culminate into productive work. Work is the primary way to bring your creativity into display. Whatever activity you give your life or part of your life time to is what I termed life’s work. I see work as whatever you do to satisfy a need or purpose. I repeat, Work is whatever you do employed or not, whatever activity you engage in to meet or satisfy a need or purpose.


Our scriptural illumination on this subject is John 5:17 which says

But Jesus answered them, “My Father is working until now, and I am working.”

What happened was that Jesus worked on the Sabbath by healing the paralytic and he made the paralytic to work also by telling him to pick up his bed and walk in praise of God. The Jews saw this as contrary to the commandment of God that they should rest from work on the Sabbath day. It was like God hated work and finished work after the six days of creation, Gen 2:2 said And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested…. But Jesus had a different view; He said the Father is still working. God worked on the seventh day. What did He create? He created Himself in relation to the creation; I mean He made himself known to His creation. We have always thought that man was the peak of God’s creation. Well that is true in a sense but there is more; the peak of God’s creation was on the seventh day- God created Faith in himself and told all creation this is your first work. God blessed them with Himself for them to have faith in Him, this is your rest, and this is your work- Faith in God. This is sacrosanct with Jesus’ teaching in John 6:29, Jesus answered and said unto them, this is the work of God, that you believe on him whom he has sent.

Wonderful revelation, isn’t it? God made work to be interesting and fulfilling. In fact God’s kind of work is a rest that is founded in faith, a kind of vacation. Can you imagine a life that your vacation is your work and your work is your vacation? You need no reason to stop because stopping one is stopping the other. It is this kind of work that God promises His children and it is only possible by faith, see Hebrews 4:9-11. A work that frees you from what I call Pharaoh’s works- that of torturous miserable labour, weariness and pain.

By the grace of God, I hope to be able to bring you to the point of finding pleasure in your work. And if you desire a deeper meaningful work as thought by my master Jesus Christ then I will invite you to repent and give your life to him because he said in Matt 11:28 come onto me all you who labour and are over burden and I will give you rest. If you refuse, well that means your burden is not heavy enough, wait until the burden of death comes and you are faced with the reality of hell. Secondly, you have to labour in studying the word of God. Then you can enter His rest by having faith in His word, cooperating with Him in absolute trust that He will do what He said He will do.

Let me drop this quickly, the number one secret to finding fulfilment in your life’s work is to live a life of purpose. When you are certain about your purpose in life and you are able to discover how the work you do is in line with the purpose of your life or at least, how the work you do is contributing to the purpose of your life, you are on the plane of fulfilment because then you can give your passion and your all to the work you are doing and you will be refreshed from the fruit of your labour. We have covered in detail how to know your life’s purpose and how to write it down in one of our earlier trainings.

Heads up: Watch out for More Secrets to Finding Fulfilment and How to Find Fulfilling Work in our subsequent contacts. Stay tuned. Until then keep working by faith. This is Sam-Attu with Champions of Destiny, giving wings to your dreams.


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