Secrets to finding fulfilment in your life’s work 2

Welcome to Champions of Destiny, a platform where we inspire you to rise above societal challenges. The focus of our study this month is on the SECRETS TO FINDING FULFILMENT IN YOUR LIFE’S WORK.

  1. In our previous contact I mentioned that the number one secret to finding fulfilment in your life’s work is to live a life of purpose and to discover how the work you do is contributing to the purpose of your life. Are you in search of fulfilment in your life’s work? Then focus on purpose and the goal you wish to attain. Every morning when you wake up recall your purpose and goals, telling yourself why you are going out to work. Having meaning in life is far more important in finding fulfilment than possessing wealth.

To optimise purpose and goals in finding fulfilment in your life’s work, you should be able to see where your work will lead you to eventually. Knowing there is an end, a good end at that, to the work you are doing, every effort will fill you with joy and fulfilment. Goals are brief ends or stops that you should celebrate on the journey to your destination. You may set a goal to achieve certain amount in saving or complete a certificate programme while on the job all these in line to your grand purpose in life. You see, the bible says of Jesus because He knew the joy at the end of His life, he endured the cross with all the accompanying torments, see Hebrews 12:2. It is disappointing to know that people are living their life without any strategy to achieve a set goal. I hope you have set achievable goals as you perform your work. As you achieve one goal after another, with eye on your purpose, you will experience the thrust of energy, joy and fulfilment.

  1. Being true to your values: Values make us who we are. This fulfilment we are talking about is actually what you made of situations, work or things in line with your true self or what we call your values. When things are positioned in line with your values it becomes easier to draw fulfilment from it. Therefore learn to love you. Learn to be true to who you are. Learn to live you.

To go against your values is to set your life up for frustration and conflict, inner conflict I mean. A two faced person has no face, in reality it is a monster. Be true to who you are in and out. What are your core values? How do you express this in your activities?

When employers expect employees to carry out activities that counter their values or the basic core values of humanity, the work force will become a bunch of dissatisfied and unmotivated labourers. Given a situation like this you should try to find a way to express your value in your position in whatever little way. Behave like Obadiah in 1Kgs 18 Obadiah served under the evil duo of King Ahab and his wife, Jezebel who hated God and slaughtered His prophets but Obadiah hid and took care of 100 prophets. He survived an unpleasant work environment by finding a way to express his values. A secret to a fulfilling life is to be true to your values and find a way to express it.

  1. Appreciate the best in the present and focus on it. You don’t get to decide your working conditions as an employee. A quote from an unknown source says, “Don’t wait for the perfect moment. Take the moment and make it perfect.” No matter how bad the work environment may be, there must be something good however small. It may be the office environment, dignity of the office, cordial colleague or even the blessing of having a job etcetera. The secret to fulfilment here is to focus on the good parts and let them be your obsession. This is what has helped me in overcoming my present trials; I learn to look at the best in the present situation.

Of course you should know that learning is also a good thing. While in that position of work, you can focus on learning new things or skills, gaining mastery and becoming more excellent at what you do. I bet you, you will find happiness and fulfilment at the end of the day. This will boost your morale and self worth and, by increasing your efficiency and excellence you will find fulfilment.


  1. Focus on making a contribution. A study found out that people who do work that benefits society show higher level of job satisfaction. When you know that you are adding value to society or even to individuals, the knowledge of your usefulness generates a motivation of positive energy. In all you do let every other thing fade in the light of your focus on the contribution you are adding through your work.

Your contribution may be in building good relationship: When you contribute to the happiness of others it often reverberates into your own happiness and fulfilment. Make it a goal to help someone have a better day and work on establishing cordial relationship.

Do what you are good at even if it is for free especially when it will add value. Studies have shown that the more you exert your signature strength in your daily life the happier you become. You can confirm this by the thrill you feel when you have spent your time and energy in something productive, something of value. That is why a job that lets you use your talents makes you happier and more fulfilling at the office.


It is said that making a difference makes a big difference. Find out how you can add colour and something new to what you always do. As an administrator I respond to mails and writes memos. My colleagues thought that the job should be easy because after a while you are to follow a format in writing. This will bring monotony and boredom, so I often research out better ways to write and express myself and I ought to impress my boss, a Professor in English language. Having impressed my boss, I asked for permission to lecture for free while I attend to my administrative work. I became one of the most admired staff. Oh it felt so good. I was obsessed with being valuable and making contribution in line with my purpose.

What contribution are you making through your work? If you can‘t find any, create one and focus on making contribution to your colleagues, organization and society.

This is where we will end for now watch out for the next episode titled How to Find Fulfilling Work. This is Sam-Attu with Champions of Destiny, giving wings to your dreams.



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