Taking Control of Auto Pilot Relationships

Prov 27:17-18

 Says, in my words,

You need someone to sharpen and bring out the best in you. That person is called a friend. It is like this, if you care for a thing or person, they will reward and honour you eventually.

It is important to note that relationship is an asset. God places certain persons in your life as destiny helpers and guide, never treat them casually.

Therefore, episode 3 is titled:


Most relationships are by default. Whom do you have in your core circle of friendship? If they are people that life and conditions randomly drew to you then you are in what I call an auto pilot relationship. That means relationships that happen by default, you did nothing to start it and possibly doing nothing conscientiously to keep it going.

The unfortunate thing is that we are almost at the same par with the people that come into our lives by default. They can barely lift you up by words or actions neither can you do much for them. If you are blessed with relationships that, actively or passively, challenge you to go beyond your limit, you are really favoured.

So how do you take control of auto pilot relationships and make it productive?

1. Be deliberate about your relationship: To take control of your auto pilot relationship, you have to be deliberate about your connection. People are free to come and go but you have to consciously choose persons to build lasting relationship with based on your values. If you are a person of value, be deliberate about what you tolerate.

2. Assess and filter your circle of relationships: When last did you perform a friendship scan? You have a responsibility to assess your circle of relationships and place them where they belong in the right layer. Then you will appropriately set boundary, allocate the amount of time and resources to them accordingly.

3. Initiate communication with your relationships: You are a seeker, go for what you seek. You ought to establish contact with your desired relationship. You can have an actual relationship or even a virtual one by forming a connection with the books and materials of the persons you seek to be in relationship with. At least this makes it possible for you to be able to stretch beyond your present circle.

4. Value your relationships: What you don’t value will not stay. If you want to improve on your relationship then you have to give quality attention to the persons. People love to be where they are recognised and celebrated. You can demand the release of the grace on someone by how you value them. What you do not value, you will not seek. Seek and recognise the people you value.

5. Set relationship goals: I mean you should be clear about what you want from a relationship and how to get it. Based on what you set out to achieve you become deliberate and can assess the people in your circles or layers of relationship. What are your relationship goals and how do you intend to achieve them?

There are people who can help you and lift you towards your goals. These are the people you need in your life. Of course, there is need to have others that you can also develop or share with. The people within your circle, are they inspiring or draining? If your answer is the later then you need to reach out to people who are better than you, people who knows what you should do to get to the next level. Do not be controlled by auto pilot relationships. Take charge and be strategic in building purposeful relationship. This will be the focus of our final episode. Stay tuned.

 This is Sam-Attu with CoD giving wings to your dreams

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