VISION: Building the life of your dream in a challenging time

Welcome to Champions of Destiny. We are glad that you have made out time to join us on this platform. It is my prayer that the quality of your life will improve by your association with Champions.

You will agree with me that the times we are in is a difficult one. Our society and government are not making things any better. However, beyond complaining we know that our future is not in the hands of any government or group. That is why we have taken up, as our study topic for the month, the theme Vision: building the life of your dream in a challenging time.

Our objectives in this study include:

  • The Meaning, Importance and sources of Vision
  • How to Secure and pursue your vision

Have you tried to imagine your future? Good! Even God has plans for your life. Your ability to see the unfolding of God’s plan for your life is vision. Everyone is a visionary, at least on a private plane, but not everyone is a productive visionary.  Vision is a mental picture of an expected outcome; it is the ability to see ahead. Vision is useless if it does not inspire action to pursue the desired outcome in real time.

As a believer, you ought to realize that true vision comes from God, as such, it will enjoy divine backing, otherwise you only have ambitions, which is a man-made vision.

The characteristics of a good vision include clarity, concise, specific, futuristic, inspiring, challenging and achievable.

Why is vision a powerful force in life?

  • Vision gives direction and inspires action: Vision is a navigation touch light on this pilgrim’s journey of destiny. It motivates strength and encourage perseverance.
  • Vision is important in decision-making: In this way, what falls outside the trajectory of your vision is a no, no.
  • Vision attracts provision: God has ordered the treasures of life to come to the place of vision. You have automatic connection to God’s programme for blessing when you have a vision to impart your world positively.
  • Vision is a catalyst for promotion: When you have a vision that provides solution, that vision will lead to your inevitable promotion. Remember Joseph in Egypt Gen 41:38-44
  • Vision brings preservation: where there is no vision, the people perish. Prov 29:18
  • Vision attracts battles”: The enemy detects big vision. Therefore get set to fight your way up.

Sources of Vision

It is your responsibility to discover and begin to manifest your vision by setting goals. Habakkuk said he would stand on his watch to see what God will say.

  1. The ultimate source of true vision is God. God unraveling his plans for your destiny. How do you obtain revelation from God? One you must be born again and enter into a relationship with Him. Secondly there must be a desire and quest for vision, which is often accompanied by fasting, prayers and spending time in His word. Now God can use any medium to communicate His plan to you like dream, his word, prophecy etc.
  2. Passion is a vision catalyst: Passion for desired future is a vision indicator. Vision comes from the heart not the head.
  3. Association is another catalyst of vision. When you are with people that value and creates an atmosphere to discover vision you can as well see yourself discovering yours. This is what we at Champions of Destiny stand for.
  4. While you can have a mental picture of the future you desire by reading, meditating etc, it is important to realize that a compelling vision is often inspired, it brings fulfillment, better the lives of people and advances the kingdom of God.

Before you sign out consider the following:

What is the meaning of vision?

Why is vision important to you?

How do you get the vision for your future?

Next episode we will focus on How to Secure and pursue your vision. God bless you.

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