Our Founder, Sam Attu is a minister of the Gospel, an inspirational speaker called by God to proclaim His message “weep no more for the Lion of the tribe of Judah has prevailed” (Rev 5:5). Right from his early childhood godly things has been his attraction. At the age of twelve his passion to express his deep desire for God led him to join the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. After being baptised with the Holy Spirit he has continue to carry out the call of God upon him in teaching and prayer ministries. He has coordinated several charismatic fellowships.

After the launch of his first publication, Conquering the Kingdom,on a mountain praying, the Holy Spirit made an impression on him about the revelation of Christ victory as revealed to Apostle John in Revelation 5:5 “Weep no more behold the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David has conquered.”

As an expression of the impact of this revelation Samson started the Champions of Destiny as a platform to help people rise above societal challenges to attain their maximum potential and fulfil God’s purpose for their lives. This he does through counselling, the word, prayer and charity. He believes the best in people, including you, and encourages all to achieve God’s purpose in their life as they trust God in the journey towards eternity. He is therefore committed to offer assistance in any possible way to as many that are in need.


Sam is happily married to his beautiful wife Grace and their union is blessed with a child, Daniella.

Click for more @ Sam-Attu Personal Website


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