Why Discover Your Life’s Purpose (Discovering Your Life’s Purpose 1 of 4)

Welcome to Champions of Destiny Foundation, a platform where we encourage each other to fulfil our purpose in life.

The focus of our study this month is PURPOSE (when the purpose of a thing is not known abuse is inevitable)

We will be looking at the theme:


You must have heard this saying, “Jack of all trade, master of known.” This describes individuals who are quick to try their hands on ventures based on the results others may be achieving. They allowed their life’s compass to be directed by what others are doing or saying. A life lived this way lacks conviction and will change course at the slightest obstacle. This is not purposeful life.

Let me give you another scenario of someone who finds it difficult to prioritise its time or resources or finds it difficult to choose from several options. The confusion that comes with this is an indication that the person is yet to grab the purpose of their life. I believe that you have made at least 60% of your decisions when your purpose is clearly defined. Because every decision you are to make is to be brought before the high court of purpose for judgement.

Discovering your life’s purpose simply means to unravel the reason for your life, that is what your life is made to accomplish.

Our scriptural text of departure is John 18:36-37.

Jesus said His kingdom is not of this world is the reason why his servants are not fighting to keep him alive. In verse 37 he said “for this purpose I was born…” That is a powerful statement, don’t you think? Can you declare boldly like Jesus, this is the purpose I was born?

This theme is broken down into four subtopics:

1. Why is it important to discover the purpose of your life?

2. We will look at, cardinal questions to answer to give you a proper perspective to help you discover your purpose.

3. Keys to Discover your Purpose

4. Finally I will give you powerful purpose discovery questions

In Rom 8:28 the bible says all things work for God for those who love God and are called according to His purpose. God never create anything without a purpose.

It is important that you discover your purpose so as not to be lumped with everyone.

Why is it Important to Discover the Purpose of your Life?

=> If you fail to grasp the purpose of your existence, you will live your life without restraint or control

=> Living without purpose is to live for nothing and that is living a wasted life.

=> To misunderstand the purpose of your life is to live a dangerous life

=> Purpose defines the quality, value and uniqueness of your life

In episode 2 We will look at, cardinal questions for right perspective to discover your purpose

Until then, keep reigning Champ!

God bless you.

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